Teeth whitening

Teeth whitening

  • I Dental provides effective and safe teeth whitening treatment by a specialized team of doctors and technicians. The center uses modern techniques and high-quality materials to achieve satisfactory results.
    Each patient's case is evaluated individually to determine the appropriate method of teeth whitening treatment.
    The I Dental team is experienced and skilled in providing proper care to patients and meeting their needs. Patient safety is considered at all times, and the center provides a clean and comfortable environment for treatment procedures.

    The teeth whitening process at I Dental aims to achieve immediate and noticeable results. Pigmentation and surface stains are removed, and the white and bright color of the teeth is restored. Patients' self-confidence and personal appeal are enhanced.
    It is worth noting that the teeth whitening process at I Dental takes care to preserve the natural teeth without any damage. After the treatment, it is recommended to follow good hygiene habits and maintain good dental hygiene to maintain the results achieved.
    Laser teeth whitening is a tooth-safe technique that does not cause tooth sensitivity or tooth bleeding. 
    The easiest and fastest way to whiten teeth.
    No need for anesthesia. 
    It works on the bacteria in the teeth. 
    Teeth whitening is done in one session.
    Getting rid of cavities in the teeth. 
    Give you an attractive smile. 



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Working Hours

Sparkle Daily smile

  • Sat - Thu : 10.00 am - 10.00 pm
